Governance Overview

The Cambridge Cove Homeowners' Association, Inc. (CCHOA) is a Florida not-for-profit corporation organized pursuant to Chapter 617, Florida Statutes with the responsibility to maintain the common area and enforce the terms of the Declarations, Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of the Association.

The Association is governed by the following laws and documents in the listed order of precedence:

The following is a brief summary of the governance structure of the Cambridge Cove Homeowners' Association, Inc. The actual procedures and activities of the Association are strictly prescribed by the above documents.

Association Membership

Membership in the Association is set forth in Article IV of the Articles and Article III of the Declarations. Every record owner of property in Cambridge Cove shall be a member of the Association. If more than one person owns an interest in any lot, all of them shall be members of the Association. However, there is only one vote per lot and it cannot be split among the owners.

Annual Members' Meeting

An annual meeting of the Association is held each year within 60 days preceding the beginning of the next fiscal year. (For CCHOA the fiscal year is the calendar year.) The primary purpose of the meeting is to elect three Directors from the Association membership. In order to conduct the election, a quorum of at least 30% of the votes eligible to be cast must be present in person or by proxy at the meeting. The election is conducted by secret ballot. If a quorum cannot be established, the existing Directors continue to serve.

Board of Directors

Generally, all powers of the Association are exercised by or under the authority of, and the business affairs of the Association are managed under the direction of, a Board of Directors consisting of three members who are Association members. Directors continue in office until a successor has been elected or the Director resigns or is removed from office. Directors are not paid any compensation by the Association for any service rendered as a Director. The powers of the Board of Directors are defined in Article V, and duties of the Board are prescribed in Article VI of the Association By-Laws.

Association Officers

The officers of the Association are a President, Secretary and Treasurer who are elected by the Directors at the first Board meeting of the fiscal year. An officer must be a member of the Board of Directors. The duties of the Officers are prescribed in Article VIII, Section 5 of the Association By-Laws.

Board of Director Meetings

The Board of Directors holds regular quarterly meetings, and calls special meetings when necessary for the proper conduct of the Associations affairs. Director's meetings are open to all members to attend. Meeting notices are placed on the Association bulletin board at the exit gate and on the Association's website calendar at least 48 hours before the meeting.

Architectural Control Committee

The Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements of the Cambridge Cove Homeowners' gives the Board of Directors the "right, power, authority and obligation" to establish an Architectural Control Committee (ACC) as a committee of the Association. The members of the ACC are appointed by the Board. Its duties are described in Article V of the Declarations. ACC meetings are open to all members to attend. Meeting notices are placed on the Association bulletin board at the exit gate and on the Association's website calendar at least 48 hours before the meeting.